Wednesday, July 8, 2015

12 Small to Medium Sized Network Security Solution Final For Now

I believe the completed project was a smashing success. It raised awareness and educated the typical small to medium sized network user of the risks and the importance of taking steps to mitigate those risks. A surprise to me was that the typical home network was found to be quite a bit more secure than the SMB… but really this did make sense. The reason has to do with the attack surface, especially if the SMB has servers exposed to the internet such as a webserver and so on. Still with the IoT bringing more items online and being administrated remotely the potential for vulnerabilities does increase in the home network. I have proven that there are open source solutions out there that given the right expertise will be able to help mitigate these risks substantially at an affordable price. Every step you take to further secure your network will facilitate those with ill intent to keep moving along to what is termed as “lower hanging fruit”, a network that will take less time and effort to compromise. Please watch my blogroll for further updates to this project and to be informed of other security concerns that evolve and the tools and solutions available to mitigate risk and vulnerability of the small to medium sized network.

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