Friday, July 31, 2015

Debian Commands


alias: Create an alias

awk: Find and Replace text within file(s)


basename: Return just the file name alone

bzip2/bunzip2: Compress or decompress named file(s)


cat: Display the contents of a file

cat -n: simple way to add line-numbers to the output of a command

cd: Change Directory

chgrp: Change group ownership

chmod: Change access permissions

chown: Change file owner and group

chroot: Run a command with a different root directory

clear: Clear terminal screen

cmp: Compare two files

comm: Compare two sorted files line by line

cp Copy one or more files to another location

crontab: Schedule a command to run at a later time


date: Display or change the date & time

dc: Desk Calculator

dd: Data Dump - Convert and copy a file

df: Display free disk space

diff: Display the differences between two files

dir: Briefly list directory contents

dircolors: Colour setup for ls

dirname: Convert a full pathname to just a path

dmesg: Output is from the kernel booting, showing the devices it has found and if it has been able to configure them at all (aside from userland configuration).

du: Estimate file space usage


echo: Display message on screen

egrep: Print lines matching a pattern (same as grep -E)

eject: Eject CD-ROM

env: Display, set, or remove environment variables

exit: Exit the shell (or press Ctrl-D)

export: Set an environment variable


fdisk: Partition table manipulator for Linux

fgrep: Print lines matching a pattern (same as grep -F)

file: Tells what kind of files are those listed on command line

find: Search for files that meet a desired criteria

for: Expand words, and execute commands

format: Format disks or tapes

free: Display memory usage

fsck: Filesystem consistency check and repair.

ftp: Transfer/receive files from/to a remote host


grep: Print lines matching a pattern

groups: Print group names a user is in

gzip/gunzip: Compress or decompress named file(s)


head: Output the first part of file(s)

history: Command History

hostname: Print or set system name


id: Print user and group id's

if/then/else/elif/fi Conditionally perform a command

info: Help info


join: Joins lines on a common field


kill: Stops a process from running

killall: Stops matching process from running


less: Display output one screen at a time

ln: Make links between files

locate: Find files using an indexed list.

logname: Print current login name

logout: Exit a login shell

lpc: Line printer control program

lpr: Off line print

lprint: Print a file

lprintq: List the print queue

ls: List information about file(s)


man: Help manual

mkdir: Create new folder(s)

more: Display output one screen at a time

mount: Mount a file system

mv: Move or rename files or directories


nice: Set the priority of a command or job


passwd: Modify a user password

printf: Format and print data

ps: Process Status. Lists running process

pwd: Print Working Directory



rgrep: Recursive grep

rm: Remove file(s)

rmdir: Remove folder(s)

rsync: Remote file copy (Synchronize file trees) using its own protocol. It may be used over an ssh or rsh connection.


scp: Copy files between two machines over an ssh connection

sdiff: Merge two files interactively

sed: Stream Editor

select: Accept keyboard input

sftp: Secure file transfer (FTP over SSH)

shutdown: Shutdown or restart Linux

sleep: Delay for a specified time

sort: Sort text files

ssh: Secure Shell

su: Substitute user identity

sudo: Execute a command as another user

sync: Synchronize data on disk with memory


tail: Output the last part of files

tar: Tape Archiver

time: Measure Program Resource Use

touch: Change file timestamps or create an empty file

top: List processes running on the system

traceroute: Trace Route to Host

tr: Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters

true: Do nothing, successfully


umask: Users file creation mask

umount: Unmount a device

uname: Print system information

uniq: Uniquify files

until: Execute commands (until error)

useradd: Create new user account

usermod: Modify user account

users: List users currently logged in


vdir: Verbosely list directory contents (ls -l -b)


watch: Execute/display a program periodically

wc: Print byte, word and line counts

which: Locate a program file in the user's path.

who: Print all usernames currently logged in

whoami: Print the current user id and name (`id -un')


xargs: Execute utility, passing constructed argument list(s)



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