Tuesday, July 21, 2015

6 Dirsync for SMB's

Windows Azure Active Directory Sync

You'll notice I have been referencing free video support for SMB's through the Microsoft Virtual Academy in my last couple of posts. 
Just about the time I was desperately getting ready to  by an e-book that looked helpful I came across this video series. 
This is perfect for someone looking up from a SMB network.
I like to cut through the mud and I have wasted much time on videos and other websites sorting through this stuff... par for the course of a SMB network administrator.

I can usually tell fairly quickly when I have found a good resource. Most information I come across wastes much time on the very basics or jumps to the more advanced features without filling in the details... especially for the SMB sector, so these guy shave done a good job of filling in that space. I believe you will have to register to access all the video resources.

Dirsync is one example of a solution many SMB's will lean towards. Configure it to only sync the users accounts being used online.

Other things to know about


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