Wednesday, July 8, 2015

8 Small to Medium Sized Network Security Solution part 8

Goals and Objectives
The goal of this project was to provide a cost-effective solution for the securing and monitoring of a typical small to medium sized network and to educate the public of the risks they face by not taking steps to protect themselves. The goal has been accomplished in that the solution provided is robust enough to provide quantifiable protection to the targeted network size and inexpensive to build although it does require a substantial amount of expertise to build, configure, and administrate. Most of those in the targeted audience are not likely to be able to build this on your own. The goal of educating these ones has still been accomplished by providing some insight into the world of security and an excellent path to a solution for those that take the risk seriously. The potential is that you could perhaps find someone who you trust to help and or pay someone if required. Also, some entrepreneurial type could create the product and sell to the customer. In doing so they would have to create a standardized load set that could be updated and monitored remotely and so once again there would be some cost involved likely some sort of ongoing subscription based service with monitoring and reporting included. Either way, awareness has been raised for those who care. If some apply even the least of the suggested action items they benefit substantially especially since it became apparent that the simplest actions created the greatest protection benefit. For example, one of the most important things a home network user can do is make sure they have changed the password on their router to something not easily cracked.
I was successful in meeting several objectives individually and collectively. These objectives included determining requirements for hardware and software and the appropriate configuration and administration of these on a typical small to medium size network. How to supply these in a cost-effective manner that will make sense to a typical small to medium size network.
I used penetration test tools to verify that the device is indeed secure and acceptably serving its intended purpose. The educational part of the project includes a website to help educate the public and point them towards the solution. Social media may eventually be used to extend the reach of this website pending the results obtained, but most of that will be outside the confines of this project.
Objective 1 was to do a basic penetration test of a typical small to medium size business network model to identify risks and openings. I found that the home network was not as vulnerable at the base level as I suspected it would be as long as a good password was set on the router and the security and firmware updates were applied. So the vulnerabilities would be outside the network on websites and so forth.
Objective 2 was to identify an affordable hardware platform that will work with the security software being used to secure the network. I found this in the Raspberry Pi B+.
Objective 3 was to identify the appropriate software for the chosen hardware. There are several layers to this the chosen solution. The operating system Arch Linux. There will also be one or more pieces of security and monitoring software that will have to be installed. For this I chose and implemented dnsmasq and Snort.
Objective 4 required determining the best way to configure the tools chosen to monitor and secure the network, and to set up updates and reporting features. These had to be configured to the constraints of the Pi hardware and set up to run on the test network.
This leads us to Objective 5 which identified the best way to continue to administrate the device once it was successfully configured. This mostly had to do with making sure the solution was set up to be updated as needed and monitoring syslogs for abnormalities.
Objective 6 required us to once again use various penetration testing tools to try and hack into the network to access any vulnerabilities and to establish the effectiveness of the device being used to protect the network. The network proved to be more secure than before.
Objective 7 addressed the goal of educating the public on the risks at hand and the solution being provided. I setup of a basic website for starters which will progress to greater marketing efforts using social media in the long-term,
These objectives are circular in nature and will have to be repeated to continue to refine and improve on the solution being prepared to meet the high-end goals stated; a process known as wash, rinse, and repeat. Obviously there had to be a ceiling that conforms to the constraints of this project confined to the one month time frame allotted.
The steps are listed here:
1. Assessed network vulnerabilities of network as is.
2. Built device to address problem areas and other potential concerns
3. Defined the layers of security used to harden the defenses of the network
4. Listed best practices
5. Implemented hardening recommendations
6. Assessed the network vulnerabilities to test the effectiveness of the security now in place
7. Reported the results

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