Saturday, August 1, 2015

No Reply At All

When a company reposts the same position..

I noticed that positions I applied for 2-4 weeks ago were re-posted by the companies. Does this mean all previous applicants(myself included) didn't meet their needs? Is it worth re-applying? I never heard back from them(I know most companies never respond anyways) even though I had a referral with each position.
  • Jo-Anne; 
    You raised a really great point that company policies can really hinder the speed of filling the job posting due to forced corporate rules that exist but may be antiquated.
    1 hour ago
  • Joel Castro
    Simple with experience posts like these are posted by people looking to collect/make a data bank of people looking for jobs.
    1 hour ago
  • Joel Castro
    I find it very rude when after a good interview you even ask if they will at least email you to let you know the outcome, they say they will and never do. Usually the interviews I went on they only interviewed maybe 4 or 5 people, so how hard is it to send an email. Seems very lazy to me. I'm glad those interviews didn't pan out though because I ended up getting hired for a great company with better pay and benefits than I would of had with the others.
    1 hour ago
  • Joel Castro
    How about you apply, succeed in their test then wait nearly a month for scheduling a video interview. if I am ever going to have my own business, I will assign a person to explain "the humans" who applied and didn't succeed the reasons behind getting rejected. It's a shame!
    1 hour ago
  • Joel Castro
    I've interviewed 5 times in the past two months, and every one of the positions has been relisted.
    1 hour ago
  • Joel Castro
    Call the human resources office and ask them to verify that they received your application/resume. Ask them why the position was reposted. Tell them why you applied and if you can expect an interview. You have to be assertive in the job search. There are others competing with you and a passive job seeker will not win. Networking is what gets most people the job - so get out there! Stay in touch with your contacts to remind them that you're looking. Be determined and never give up. It worked for me! :)
    38 minutes ago
  • Joel Castro
    Sorry that is what it means. I applied had 2 interviews never heard anything back and then the position was posted shortly there after. I applied for a different job with the company , got a call back and was able to ask about the original job. The HR manager told me that they didnt hire any of the candidates from the first job. They took down the posting added more details and were continuing to look. Bummer! But they could have told me that originally! There skills of dealing with job seekers now is horrible!
    34 minutes ago
  • Joel Castro
    Sorry that is what it means. I applied had 2 interviews never heard anything back and then the position was posted shortly there after. I applied for a different job with the company , got a call back and was able to ask about the original job. The HR manager told me that they didnt hire any of the candidates from the first job. They took down the posting added more details and were continuing to look. Bummer! But they could have told me that originally! There skills of dealing with job seekers now is horrible!
    34 minutes ago
  • Joel Castro
    ....This sort of thing is giving me a complex big time...never had a problem finding a job in the past...and now I think it's my age...when I ask...I get the reply ...."not a good fit"...what is that supposed to mean?...I am very very good at what I do...I have been turned down 3 times now and starting to get this complex....what the?....if you were to notice when they display a disclaimer about discrimination...race color etc....age is not one of them
    16 minutes ago
  • Joel Castro
    it happened to me in 2013 while a company interviewed me first second and third final with the consultant and got the confirmation to forward the documents for visa processing and they asked me to attest my diploma from my home country which was not possible in the time frame they gave me. they were silent for a week and when i followed up HR lady told me they went for option B. i told her that if i was HR Manager i would have asked the left a note to the person who exert so much effort acknowledging him with the status. she said sorry and about re posting its not always the company more often the web portal keep on doing that in my personal experience. any way
    5 minutes ago

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