Monday, June 25, 2018

The Command:

Get-Module -ListAvailable

brings a large number of modules to the screen, many of which are labeled "Net", and therefore are of particular interest to the administrator when they need information about their network and corresponding hardware, such as the network adapter. Another command of this type:

Get-Command -Module NetTCPIP

then shows again which commands are available within the NetTCPIP module. System administrators who need information about their network will usually use the "ipconfig" command - which can also be started directly from the PowerShell command line. Similar to "netsh", however, the user often has to torment himself by going through various submenus before he gets the desired information. 
Selecting the corresponding PowerShell Cmdlet makes it much easier. If you need information on the IP address, you can get it with the following command:


It will then display both the configuration information for the IPv4 and the IPv6 addresses for all network adapters in the system. On a server system with multiple network cards, many entries are displayed. Those who are then overwhelmed by the wealth of information displayed can filter the output accordingly. If only the basic information is needed, usually the Format-Table Cmdlet (to which the output is passed by means of a pipeline) helps:

Get-NetIPAddress | Format-Table

Of course, it is also possible to reduce the output to just the addresses in the IPv4 range:

Get-NetIPAddress -Addressfamily IPv4 | Format-Table

A very useful Cmdlet also displays all the network interfaces installed on the computer directly:


Again, it is easily possible to filter the output further. For example, when it comes to listing only the existing WLAN interfaces:

Get-NetAdapter -Name "WLAN"

The commands and thus also the gained information are truly flexible due to the fact that the PowerShell commands can be linked by means of a pipeline (as already briefly shown with Format-Table). What about, for example, displaying only the IP addresses in the system that were assigned via DHCP? To do so, we first use the Get-NetIPAddress Cmdlet, which displays the existing IP addresses. This output is passed to "Where-Object". There, the addresses that were assigned by DHCP are then filtered out by comparing the prefix (-eq stands for "equal"). Once again forwarded to "Select-Object", then only the name and the IP address of the found interfaces are displayed:
Get-NetIPAddress |
  Where-Object PrefixOrigin -eq dhcp |
  Select-Object -Property IPAddress, InterFaceAlias
Even these few examples clearly show the potential in PowerShell network commands, which can also be used remotely on other Windows systems. System managers and administrators should familiarize themselves with these possibilities, and in this way, create their own library with scripts for network support. A good starting point for everything about PowerShell can be found on the Internet in the blog "Hey Scripting Guy!"(part of Microsoft TechNet). But there are simple scripts for beginners, as well as complex, more comprehensive solutions and examples.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Deploy Windows 10 with System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager

For more details on the setup for this topic, please see Deploy Windows 10 with the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit.
figure 1
Figure 1. The machines used in this topic.

In this section

Components of Configuration Manager operating system deployment

Operating system deployment with Configuration Manager is part of the normal software distribution infrastructure, but there are additional components. For example, operating system deployment in Configuration Manager may use the State Migration Point role, which is not used by normal application deployment in Configuration Manager. This section describes the Configuration Manager components involved with the deployment of an operating system, such as Windows 10.
  • State migration point (SMP). The state migration point is used to store user state migration data during computer replace scenarios.
  • Distribution point (DP). The distribution point is used to store all packages in Configuration Manager, including the operating system deployment-related packages.
  • Software update point (SUP). The software update point, which is normally used to deploy updates to existing machines, also can be used to update an operating system as part of the deployment process. You also can use offline servicing to update the image directly on the Configuration Manager server.
  • Reporting services point. The reporting services point can be used to monitor the operating system deployment process.
  • Boot images. Boot images are the Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) images Configuration Manager uses to start the deployment.
  • Operating system images. The operating system image package contains only one file, the custom .wim image. This is typically the production deployment image.
  • Operating system installers. The operating system installers were originally added to create reference images using Configuration Manager. Instead, we recommend that you use MDT Lite Touch to create your reference images. For more information on how to create a reference image, see Create a Windows 10 reference image.
  • Drivers. Like MDT Lite Touch, Configuration Manager also provides a repository (catalog) of managed device drivers.
  • Task sequences. The task sequences in Configuration Manager look and feel pretty much like the sequences in MDT Lite Touch, and they are used for the same purpose. However, in Configuration Manager the task sequence is delivered to the clients as a policy via the Management Point (MP). MDT provides additional task sequence templates to Configuration Manager.
    Note Configuration Manager SP1 along with the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) for Windows 10 are required to support management and deployment of Windows 10.

See also