Saturday, October 6, 2018


Security Policy
service access allowed/restricted by group

2 types of firewalls

filtering - block selected packets at network layer by type, address, port
no password control - by ip so limited

proxy -
   application proxies
   SOCKS proxies - like a switch board

Firewall Architecture

There are lots of ways to structure your network to protect your systems using a firewall.
If you have a dedicated connections to the Internet through a router, you could plug the router directly into your firewall system. Or, you could go through a hub to provide for full access servers outside your firewall.

Dial-up Architecture

You may be using a dialup service like an ISDN line. In this case you might use a third network card to provide provide a filtered DMZ. This gives you full control over your Internet services and still separates them from your regular network.

   _/\__/\_      |          |          _______________
  |        |     | Firewall |  (LAN)  |               |
 / Internet \----|  System  |--(HUB)--| Workstation/s |
 \_  _  _  _/    |__________|         |_______________|
   \/ \/ \/           |

Single Router Architecture

If there is a router or cable modem between you and the Internet. If you own the router you could setup some hard filter rules in the router. If this router is owned by your ISP so you may not the have the needed controls. You can ask your ISP to put in filters.

                  _________           __________
   _/\__/\_      | Router  |         |          |          _______________
  |        |     |   or    |  (DMZ)  | Firewall |  (LAN)  |               |
 / Internet \----|Cable Mdm|--(HUB)--|  System  |--(HUB)--| Workstation/s |
 \_  _  _  _/    |_________|    |    |__________|         |_______________|
   \/ \/ \/                     |  

Firewall with Proxy Server

If you need to monitor where users of your network are going and your network is small, you can intergrate a proxy server into your firewall. ISP's some times do this to create interest list of their users to resell to marketing agencies.

    _/\__/\_      | Proxy /  |          _______________
   |        |     | Firewall |  (LAN)  |               |
  / Internet \----|  System  |--(HUB)--| Workstation/s |
  \_  _  _  _/    |__________|         |_______________|
    \/ \/ \/  
You can put the proxy server on your LAN as will. In this case the firewall should have rules to only allow the proxy server to connect to the Internet for the services it is providing. This way the users can get to the Internet only through the proxy.

   _/\__/\_      |          |          _______________
  |        |     | Firewall |  (LAN)  |               |
 / Internet \----|  System  |--(HUB)--| Workstation/s |
 \_  _  _  _/    |__________|    |    |_______________|
   \/ \/ \/                      |     ______________
                                 |    |              |
                                 +----| Proxy Server |

Redundent Internet Configuration

If you are going to run a service like YAHOO or maybe SlashDot you may want to make your system by using redundant routers and firewalls. (Check out the High Availability HowTo.)
By using a round-robin DNS techniques to provide access to multipule web servers from one URL and multiple ISP's, routers and firewalls using High Avaibility technics you can create a 100% uptime service.

   _/\__/\_                                     _/\__/\_  
  |        |                                   |        | 
 /  ISP #1  \______                 (WAN)_____/ Partners \
 \_  _  _  _/      |                (HUB)     \_  _  _  _/
   \/ \/ \/        |               ___|____     \/ \/ \/  
                 __|___           |_______ |
   _/\__/\_     |_____ |         |Firewall||          ______
  |        |   |      ||  (DMZ)  | System ||  (LAN)  |      |
 /  ISP #2  \--|Router||--(HUB)--|  (VPN) ||--(HUB)--| WS/s |
 \_  _  _  _/  |______|     |    |________|     |    |______|
   \/ \/ \/                 |         |         |     ______
          |             (Outside)  (Shared)     |    |      |
  ------  |             (Server)   (Server)     +----|Proxy |
 | WS/s | |                                          |______|
 | VPN  |-+
It is easy to let your network get out of hand. Keep control of every connection. It only takes a user with a modem to compromise your LAN.

roll your own
After making all the setting you need you should recompile, reinstall the kernel and reboot.
I use the command:
make dep;make clean;make bzlilo;make modules;make modules_install;init 6 to accomplish all of this in one step.

secure the firewall
Look in your /etc/inetd.conf file. This file configures inetd also known as the "super server". It controls a bunch of the server daemons and starts them as they are requested by a packet arriving at a "well known" port.
You should turn off echo, discard, daytime, chargen, ftp, gopher, shell, login, exec, talk, ntalk, pop-2, pop-3, netstat, systat, tftp, bootp, finger, cfinger, time, swat and linuxconfig if you have one.
To turn a service off, put # as the first character of the service line. When your done, send a SIG-HUP to the process by typing "kill -HUP <pid>", where <pid> is the process number of inetd. This will make inetd re-read its configuration file (inetd.conf) and restart without taking your system down.

Test this by telneting to port 15 (netstat) on firewall. If you get any output you have not turned these services off.
telnet localhost 19
You can also create the file /etc/nologin. Put a few line of text in it like (BUZZ OFF). When this file exists, login will not allow user to logon. They will see the contents of this file and their logins refused. Only root can logon.
You can also edit the file /etc/securetty. If the user is root, then the login must be occurring on a tty listed in /etc/securetty. Failures will be logged with the syslog facility. With both of these controls in place the only way to logon to the firewall will be as root from the console.
NEVER EVER TELNET to a system and log IN AS ROOT. If you need remote root access SSH (Secure Shell). You might even turn off telnet.
If you are really paranoid you need to be using lids (Linux Intrusion Detect System). It is an intrusion detection system patch for the Linux kernel; it can protect important files from being changed. When it's in effect, no one (including root) can change the protected files or directories and their sub-directories. You have to reboot the system with a security=1 LILO setting to modify secure files. (I'd also boot into single user mode.)

IP filtering setup (IPCHAINS)

Linux ipchains is a rewrite of the Linux IPv4 firewalling code and a rewrite of ipfwadm, which was a rewrite of BSD's ipfw, I believe. It is required to administer the IP packet filters in Linux kernel versions 2.1.102 and above.
The older code doesn't deal with fragments, has 32-bit counters (on Intel at least), doesn't allow specification of protocols other than TCP, UDP or ICMP, can't make large changes atomically, can't specify inverse rules, has some quirks, and can be tough to manage (making it prone to user error). Or so the author says.
I'm not going to get real deep into how to control an IPChains firewall because there is a GREAT!! HOWTO on it at I'd just end up duplicating it here. Here are the basics.
You work with chains by name. You start with three built-in chains input, output and forward which you can't delete. You can create chains of your own. Rules can then be added and deleted from these rule sets.


Monday, June 25, 2018

The Command:

Get-Module -ListAvailable

brings a large number of modules to the screen, many of which are labeled "Net", and therefore are of particular interest to the administrator when they need information about their network and corresponding hardware, such as the network adapter. Another command of this type:

Get-Command -Module NetTCPIP

then shows again which commands are available within the NetTCPIP module. System administrators who need information about their network will usually use the "ipconfig" command - which can also be started directly from the PowerShell command line. Similar to "netsh", however, the user often has to torment himself by going through various submenus before he gets the desired information. 
Selecting the corresponding PowerShell Cmdlet makes it much easier. If you need information on the IP address, you can get it with the following command:


It will then display both the configuration information for the IPv4 and the IPv6 addresses for all network adapters in the system. On a server system with multiple network cards, many entries are displayed. Those who are then overwhelmed by the wealth of information displayed can filter the output accordingly. If only the basic information is needed, usually the Format-Table Cmdlet (to which the output is passed by means of a pipeline) helps:

Get-NetIPAddress | Format-Table

Of course, it is also possible to reduce the output to just the addresses in the IPv4 range:

Get-NetIPAddress -Addressfamily IPv4 | Format-Table

A very useful Cmdlet also displays all the network interfaces installed on the computer directly:


Again, it is easily possible to filter the output further. For example, when it comes to listing only the existing WLAN interfaces:

Get-NetAdapter -Name "WLAN"

The commands and thus also the gained information are truly flexible due to the fact that the PowerShell commands can be linked by means of a pipeline (as already briefly shown with Format-Table). What about, for example, displaying only the IP addresses in the system that were assigned via DHCP? To do so, we first use the Get-NetIPAddress Cmdlet, which displays the existing IP addresses. This output is passed to "Where-Object". There, the addresses that were assigned by DHCP are then filtered out by comparing the prefix (-eq stands for "equal"). Once again forwarded to "Select-Object", then only the name and the IP address of the found interfaces are displayed:
Get-NetIPAddress |
  Where-Object PrefixOrigin -eq dhcp |
  Select-Object -Property IPAddress, InterFaceAlias
Even these few examples clearly show the potential in PowerShell network commands, which can also be used remotely on other Windows systems. System managers and administrators should familiarize themselves with these possibilities, and in this way, create their own library with scripts for network support. A good starting point for everything about PowerShell can be found on the Internet in the blog "Hey Scripting Guy!"(part of Microsoft TechNet). But there are simple scripts for beginners, as well as complex, more comprehensive solutions and examples.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Deploy Windows 10 with System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager

For more details on the setup for this topic, please see Deploy Windows 10 with the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit.
figure 1
Figure 1. The machines used in this topic.

In this section

Components of Configuration Manager operating system deployment

Operating system deployment with Configuration Manager is part of the normal software distribution infrastructure, but there are additional components. For example, operating system deployment in Configuration Manager may use the State Migration Point role, which is not used by normal application deployment in Configuration Manager. This section describes the Configuration Manager components involved with the deployment of an operating system, such as Windows 10.
  • State migration point (SMP). The state migration point is used to store user state migration data during computer replace scenarios.
  • Distribution point (DP). The distribution point is used to store all packages in Configuration Manager, including the operating system deployment-related packages.
  • Software update point (SUP). The software update point, which is normally used to deploy updates to existing machines, also can be used to update an operating system as part of the deployment process. You also can use offline servicing to update the image directly on the Configuration Manager server.
  • Reporting services point. The reporting services point can be used to monitor the operating system deployment process.
  • Boot images. Boot images are the Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) images Configuration Manager uses to start the deployment.
  • Operating system images. The operating system image package contains only one file, the custom .wim image. This is typically the production deployment image.
  • Operating system installers. The operating system installers were originally added to create reference images using Configuration Manager. Instead, we recommend that you use MDT Lite Touch to create your reference images. For more information on how to create a reference image, see Create a Windows 10 reference image.
  • Drivers. Like MDT Lite Touch, Configuration Manager also provides a repository (catalog) of managed device drivers.
  • Task sequences. The task sequences in Configuration Manager look and feel pretty much like the sequences in MDT Lite Touch, and they are used for the same purpose. However, in Configuration Manager the task sequence is delivered to the clients as a policy via the Management Point (MP). MDT provides additional task sequence templates to Configuration Manager.
    Note Configuration Manager SP1 along with the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) for Windows 10 are required to support management and deployment of Windows 10.

See also

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Tracing a port

telnet to switch
ping IP of the device you want to find the port for
which adds the mac to the arp table
sh arp | include "ipaddress"
sh mac-address-table | include "last 4 of mac"

Identify a portion of the ports without interrupting users use MAC address tables to find devices connected to switch ports. Trace which patch panel port a switch port is connected to and which wall jack individual machines are connected to.  If you need to do it manually you can get the MAC addresses of known active devices, ping it to make sure the MAC is in the switches switching table and then check the switches dynamic MAC address table (that is if you have smart switches)

LinkSprinter is super useful for network mapping! Basically it will tell you for any switch that supports discover protocols (CDP/LLDP/EDP) the switch name, port number, VLAN, etc. on that drop. Then you'll get an email, or you can use the mobile interface for the online results management platform, and comment the location (you can use name, cube number, room, etc.). So you'd go around, plug into a drop, 10 seconds later that data would be stored for you, you'd comment the location, and move on to the next drop. Then you could sit down with all of that info and label everything! Much simpler and quicker than using a toner and two people.

I spoke with one university that used to test all of their drops in every dorm every summer. That project would normally take a month to complete, and they did it with one LinkSprinter in a week.

Toner and someone to help is the way we tend to go with this.  We also have several custom internal tools to show us where a mac address is plugged in on the network

Firstly, you need to get the MAC address, so get into a machine on the same VLAN and look at its neighbour table - Windows is netsh int ipv4 show neigh, Linux: ip nei Cisco: show ip arp x.x.x.x. Once you have that...
If this is a discovery job on a layer 2 switch, do show mac address-table | i 0011.2233.4455 - replacing the mac address bytes as appropriate.
If on the other hand it's a router, use show ip arp | i 0011.2233.4455 - again replacing the MAC as appropriate. Obviously when you were getting the MAC, if it turned out to be directly connected to that router, you're already done.
Long-term however, I heartily recommend that you setup LLDP (failing that, CDP) to your hosts so that you can identify them from either side. lldpd is an absolutely excellent LLDP daemon for Linux that also supports CDP, EDP, SONMP and FDP. If you're currently able to reach the host and it does happen to run linux/BSD, I'd recommend skipping the above and just turn on LLDP.
Regardless of whether your switch is performing frame forwarding (layer 2) or packet routing (layer 3), the following should work if the switch has a management IP address in the same subnet as the host you want to find:
  1. At the switch, ping the IP address you want to find. If the address is on the same subnet as the switch's management address, an ARP request will be sent looking for the MAC address of the host.
  2. Now you can look at the ARP cache and find the MAC address of the host you are looking for (show ip arp) and its corresponding interface.
  3. You can also look for its MAC address table entry by issuing: show mac-address table address [the address]
Regardless of whether your switch is performing frame forwarding (layer 2) or packet routing (layer 3), the following should work if the switch has a management IP address in the same subnet as the host you want to find:
  1. At the switch, ping the IP address you want to find. If the address is on the same subnet as the switch's management address, an ARP request will be sent looking for the MAC address of the host.
  2. Now you can look at the ARP cache and find the MAC address of the host you are looking for (show ip arp) and its corresponding interface.
  3. You can also look for its MAC address table entry by issuing: show mac-address table address [the address]
The CAM table on the switch matches the MAC address to the device port. Use 'show mac address-table' on the switch. You can also configure port descriptions to help find devices later too.

you want to find: 1.At the switch, ping the IP address you want to find. If the address is on the same subnet as the switch's management address, an ARP request will be sent looking for the MAC address of the host. 2.Now you can look at the ARP cache and find the MAC address of the host you are looking for (show ip arp) and its corresponding interface. 3.You can also look for its MAC address table entry by issuing: show mac-address table address [the address]

The answer depends on whether the switch is a Layer 2 or a Layer 3 switch. That is to say, is the switch only switching and relaying traffic on to a different device for routing, or, is it doing the routing decisions itself via SVIs (switched virtual interfaces).
On a layer 3 switch, the port can be found by using a few simple commands on the device. However on a layer 2 switch, you have to log into both the switch and whatever device is doing the routing to locate the port.
In either case, the commands are the same, just run on two different boxes for the layer 2 switch.

On a Layer 3 switch:

  • Log into the switch and issue the following command (where ipaddress is the ip address of the host you are trying to locate:
    show ip arp *ipaddress*
  • The output should look similar to below, and give you the mac-address of the device (I've highlighted the mac-address below in bold).
    LYKINS-1861#show ip arp
    Protocol  Address          Age (min)  Hardware Addr   Type   Interface
    Internet            0   **28cf.da1d.1b05**  ARPA   Vlan10
  • Now issue one of the following commands (where mac-address is the hardware address from previous step). Depending on the Cisco platform, sometimes the command is listed in either form.
    show mac address-table address *mac-address*
    show mac-address-table address *mac-address*
  • The output should look similar to below, the port you are looking for should be listed as the Destination Port:
    LYKINS-1861#show mac-address-table address 28cf.da1d.1b05
    Destination Address  Address Type  VLAN  Destination Port
    -------------------  ------------  ----  --------------------
    28cf.da1d.1b05          Dynamic      10     **FastEthernet0/1/1**

On a Layer 2 switch:

  • Find out what device is doing the routing for this switch (you may have to look at the network documentation). Sometimes it is a "Router on a Stick", where the Layer 2 VLANs are being trunked up to the router for the Layer 3 decisions.
  • Log into the routing device, and issue the following command (where ipaddress is the ip address of the host you are trying to locate:
    show ip arp *ipaddress*
  • The output should look similar to below, and give you the mac-address of the device (listed below in bold).
    LYKINS-1861#show ip arp
    Protocol  Address          Age (min)  Hardware Addr   Type   Interface
    Internet            0   **28cf.da1d.1b05**  ARPA   Vlan10
  • Now log into the Layer 2 switch
  • On that device issue one of the following commands (where mac-address is the hardware address from previous step). Depending on the Cisco platform, sometimes the command is listed in either form.
    show mac address-table address *mac-address*
    show mac-address-table address *mac-address*
  • The output should look similar to below, the port you are looking for should be listed as the Destination Port:
    LYKINS-1861#show mac-address-table address 28cf.da1d.1b05
    Destination Address  Address Type  VLAN  Destination Port
    -------------------  ------------  ----  --------------------
    28cf.da1d.1b05          Dynamic      10     **FastEthernet0/1/1**

Thursday, May 17, 2018

inter vlan routing

router on a stick / inter vlan routing

1 physical port in trunk mode using subinterfaces to route traffic over more than 1 vlan using dot1q encapsulation

common reasons for problems
port configured as access instead of trunk
wrong encapsulation protocol
wrong vlan assigned
ipaddress wrong for vlans network class